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Brutally honest manual for servicing a man's self-esteem. Part III - Following these instructions will turn him into a bland jelly blob

You can be fooled by progressivist theses that wiping away so-called gender differences is part of an effective relationship with a man that a supposedly modern woman enters into.

For example, you may believe that a relationship involves being completely open and straightforward. OK.

Don't limit yourself. Dab a layer of a nourishing face mask made of egg yolk and olive oil on your face and cleavage, and put cucumber slices over your eyes to remove bags under your eyes. It doesn't matter that he's at home. Once you've got his attention, after he freaks out that a mutant has (presumably) emerged from the basement, complain that not only have you failed to fix the ingrown nail on your left pinky, it's happened to the nail on your right pinky too, so logically you'll be wearing flip-flops instead of high heels in the summer and comfy fur-lined crocs in the winter. At home, you also have the right to pick at any orifice in front of him whenever you want, burp, cut your nails, pass gas and vomit after a night out. It's an intimate relationship.

Confide that you don't understand why a colleague accuses you of harassment when all you do every day is give him a friendly smack on the back with the occasional punch to let him know you're not a delicate flower, which came about because he wanted to sexistically humiliate you by giving you the aggressive compliment that you look great.

You may develop the progressive belief that dressing according to what your partner likes is an outdated old-world concept, because the important thing is what you want to wear on your outings together, whether it's an embroidered folk blouse with a five-inch fringe and a loose flowy esoteric skirt you tie-dyed yourself, or an oversized jacket with huge pockets combined with sensational alternative freestyle buggy pants in which you can give birth to twins while walking and no one will notice.

You may be persuaded that looking sexy is inappropriate because it would detract from your spiritual and character qualities, including intelligence, knowledge, opinions, experience, and expertise. For if you were to look sexy, all men, not just yours, would then feel primarily attracted to you by your superficial appearance, which is despicable, instead of being turned on by your unique spontaneous articulate commentary regarding the impact of global warming on the local vegetation of the Mediterranean.

You can offer to your shocked partner that you will fix his dented fender, refill wiper fluid and install summer tires, since it's normal for you to carry a jack in your backpack because you need its weight to help you with your posture. Simply let your partner realize and appreciate that you have the same skills and interests and can playfully handle anything he foolishly thought was a male's domain.

While watching football matches together, join him in cursing out the fans of the opposing team, and yell (or rather scream) GOAL till your hamster has a stroke. Write down the essential vulgar terminology for aptly referring to the rivals on a small cheat sheet that can be used to refresh your memory at any time. Should you only remember one swear word, it doesn't matter at all, you'll just repeat it over and over. More suitable are the more graphic ones, calling a Premier League player Clutz or Dummy is weak, you need verbal punch here. Also important is a heartfelt pronunciation - which you can fine-tune in isolation just before the game. In case of a win, surprise your partner by popping into the nearest restaurant for a chat about the match with your girlfriends...

In return, let your dear other half pick up your underwear and socks strewn all over the floor and sort them by colour. At first, the average partner has no idea that red and pink can be washed together, but not together with white and black. But perhaps he can make some progress on this in the next few years. When he gets better, he'll be able to dust. The trouble is that if the layer of dust on the shelf does not exceed one centimeter, the male does not see it, but it does not matter, you simply instruct him where and how long to scrub with a cloth and the scattered dust is moved to the floor, where someone will eventually vacuum it or tread it into the carpet.

If a man still objects to the acceptance of a gender-balanced household, you have no choice but to arm wrestle him. Be as fierce as a bull, don't give him a chance for more than a few seconds, suddenly strike hard, knock him down, and then drive him at breakneck speed to the hospital in your V-class SUV to have his broken ulna straightened with splints and fix his dislocated shoulder. When his injuries heal and he realizes that his biological role is no longer unique and predetermined thanks to the eradication of all gender misinformation and conspiracy theories about innate differences between men and women, he will start peeing sitting down and reading Danielle Steele or Fifty Shades, you can formally, briefly, and succinctly praise him for becoming a better man (who, of course, is soon and without remorse instinctively replaced in bed by the womanizer or playboy with the unlimited sex appeal of toxic masculinity).


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