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Narcissistic properties

A narcissist doesn't look ordinary like the others. He deeply despises the ordinary, which stems from the fact that his personality is by no means ordinary. On the contrary, as he has noticed long ago, he is somehow naturally superior to others in everything.

First of all, his appearance. Narcissus was the most beautiful of all.

Is the narcissist a man? Then he's the most flamboyant, spending at least five hours a week in the gym. If he doesn't enjoy the gym, he hangs a massive gold chain around his neck and the feeling of perfection comes too, regardless of the width or narrowness of his chest. Even the navel can be hidden under a flowy designer T-shirt so that confidence doesn't suffer. On his nose, blackout glasses worth the price of a used car, so Who's more?

Is the narcissist a woman? She'll be obsessed with her physique and work out till she faints. Especially when there's a substantial audience. A climbing wall is ideal. Unlike women in looser cargo pants who climb for their own pleasure, a narcissist will generally wear tight shorts and a sexy top so that her figure, outlined in the straps, especially from below, will attract as many male stares as possible. Of course, it's a good idea to put on make-up before any sport, including striking eye shadow and a properly coloured blush. (Even before a group run or a skiing session, after all, resistant make-up can withstand sweat streaks.)

Secondly, a narcissist man is the smartest of all.

Intelligence, charm, charisma, acumen, logic, judgment, insight, general outlook....? You can't beat him. He knows everything best, by sight and spontaneity. He doesn't need to justify any of his observations. They become general truths as soon as he utters them, unless they were already general truths by virtue of his having uttered them before elsewhere and all those who were present then admiringly spread them forth as a memorandum.

A narcissist looks up to leaders and so will parrot the views of his Prime Minister, President or President of the European Commission. Is some politician being dehumanised by the local media? Then the narcissist faints at the mention of his name. They need to show their superiority better than others: 'Trump? Oh no, such a monster, such a killer." The narcissist has never seen him, hasn't done a personal, economic or political analysis of his governing agenda, but he knows this for sure. Like he knows everything about everyone. Thus, to beat the narcissist argumentatively is impossible. In his repertoire of triumphant endings to a debate not going in his favour are slogans like , "I won't listen to this anymore!" "You're out of your mind!" "I don't know where you got that idea, but it's bullshit." "I'm sick of this!" "Shut up!" "Anyway, don't know what you said, because I stopped listening after the first minute." The obligatory part of these slogans is the simultaneous rising from the chair and contemptuous departure not only from the table but also from the room. In some of the more serious cases, from the house and the town.

If a narcissist suspects that someone's intelligence is approaching his own (this is emotionally threatening to him too), he will either test the person in question in something that guarantees the certainty of failure, since it is absolutely outside the sphere of their professional focus or interests: ''By the way, do you know what the capital of the Chinese province of Guangdong is? You have no idea, do you? I'll give you one more chance. What are the major watercourses that are the basis of the Ivory Coast's water economy?" ...and then shows his disdain for the person in question, for example, by sighing: "I knew you wouldn't know." (thus at the same time praising himself for having guessed correctly and experiencing a double satisfaction),

or he doesn't waste time with a tirade and says: "So you ended up in psychotherapy as a result of our cohabitation? I expected that, because it was clear from the beginning that you were crazy."

Well, if someone's crazy about a narcissist, then they'll probably stay crazy.

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